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Teameni Apricot Fruit and Herbal tea Blends

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Teameni Ingredients: Black tea, apricot pieces (apricot, preserving agent: sulp hur dioxide –max. 2000 ppm-, separating agent: rice flour), flavour, sunflowers.
Teameni Taste: Fruity gentle apricot-taste.每到冬天,即便是用羽绒服、大围脖、雪地靴……把自己“全副武装”,手脚总是冰冰凉凉。羊肉汤、红糖水、生姜茶……各种坊间流传的秘方你都试了个遍,效果却不太明显。实际上,虽然都是手脚冰凉,导致的原因却不尽相同。“冰美人”想要暖起来,对症食疗最关键。There are all kinds of fruit infusions. Hibiscus petals, rosehip peels and apple pieces usually form the basis that is refined by different flavours and ingredients. Their refreshing flavour makes fruit infusions an ideal, caffeine-free thirst-quencher to be enjoyed hot or cold. We offer you a broad variety of delicious tea creations that are sure to thrill your clients.11654948520001

