Shenzhen Jiusheng denture Technology Co., LTD
深圳活动修复义齿-定制式活动义齿 假牙厂家-义齿
深圳市MYY义齿有限公司是一家总部设在香港的德资企业,以提供高品质的口腔修复体服务为理念。实验室设在中国深圳,率先通过了德国TUV和ISO9001:2008资格认,产品价格合理,质量上乘。 丰富的加工经验,与德国、其他欧洲各国众多实验室之间的深入合作有利地确保了MYY日常的顺利生产,准时地向客户提供完美的假牙产品。 我们承诺:产品质量上乘,价格合理MYY在中国拥有自己的牙科实验室:总面积达2000多平米,近1200多名技工。 我们的管理团队由一群来自德国精通中文的德籍人士组成。德籍管理层的成员同时也是资深的牙科技工,他们长期生活在中国,拥有先进的管理经验,与客户的沟通也畅通无阻。 同时,MYY也率先通过了德国TUV和ISO9001:2000资格认。 手艺精湛的中国技工和名牌机器(如DEGUSSA,BEGO,LVOCLAR等)为我们及时、安全地生产出完美的假牙产品提供了保障。 ...
深圳假牙种植牙义齿加工厂家数位设计、种植上部氧化锆桥、氧化锆烤瓷冠、全瓷铸瓷冠、钛合金种植杆、马龙桥、金属烤瓷冠、桥、钢托支架、全口胶托深圳 美牙牙外购牙科实验室是一家提供全方位服务的牙科实验室 超过200名认证技术人员,加上超过20年的经验,是我们实验室的心脏和灵魂。美牙牙外包牙科实验室为我们的高技能团队感到自豪,我们的团队在世界各地学习假体牙科工艺,包括在该领域拥有最高标准的德国。 我们的员工定期参加先进的培训,以保持最新的新标准,我们投资最先进的设备技术,以满足客户的要求。 国际标准对我们非常重要,我们的所有工作都符合ISO9001、ISO13485、ISO14001、FDA、CE等国际认证要求。在制造过程中使用的所有材料都是CE和FDA和ISO认证。我们的客户服务将乐意为您提供任何认证所需的证明。 MYY外购牙科实验室自豪地回顾了多年来与来自德国、西班牙、英国、爱尔兰 ...
Dental Pfm Crown From China Dental Lab
MYY Outsourcing Dental Lab is a Full Service Dental Lab Over 200 certified technicians, combined with over 20 years of experience, are the heart and soul of our laboratory. China Outsourcing Dental Lab are proud of our highly skills team who learn the craft of prosthetic dentistry all over the world all over the world, include Germany, a country with on the highest standards in the field Our sta ...
Good Service Habit Breaker Thumb Appliance From China Dental Lab
Habit breakers do exactly what their name implies-they help patients break or stop a dysfunctional habit, like sucking thumbs or placing the tongue in between the front teeth. One of the most common habit breakers we use is the tongue crib, which is a fixed appliance that keeps your tongue positioned posteriorly and also keeps you from resting your thumb on the roof of your mouth. Usually the habi ...
Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns - China Dental Lab
Welcome to MYY Dental Laboratory is your outsourcing center in China MYY Dental Lab provides a full range of dental products specialized in crown and bridge, Chrome Cobalt Partial , full and partial dentures, implants, CAD-CAM . Digital, 3D printer system, in-cream, e.max crown, , all-ceramic, zirconia, precision attachments, ,snap on smile and a variety of orthodontic appliance. with a full ran ...
Zirconia | Crown & Bridge | Products | MYY Dental Lab
Shenzhen MYY Dental Laboratory Co., Ltd. Is located in District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. At present, our company has about 200 technicians, and most of them have over five years??work experience, while some have over ten years??experience. We produce and process almost all kinds of dental works. Generally, our products can be divided into two categories-fixed prostheses and removab ...
China Dental Lab, China Dental Laboratory, Chinese Dental Lab, China Outsourcing Dental Lab
MYY Dental Lab, located in Shenzhen China, is a full service dental laboratory with over 100 technicians. As an ISO certificated lab, we are specialized in the fabrication and timely delivery of metal ceramic crowns and bridge restorations, Emax veneer and crown, zirconia crowns and bridge, screwed or cemented implant crowns and bridge, telescopes, attachments, acrylic dentures, partial casting fr ...
zirconia crown zirconia teeth grade dental lab PZ
MYY Outsourcing Dental Lab is a Full Service Dental Lab Over 200 certified technicians, combined with over 20 years of experience, are the heart and soul of our laboratory. China Outsourcing Dental Lab are proud of our highly skills team who learn the craft of prosthetic dentistry all over the world all over the world, include Germany, a country with on the highest standards in the field Our sta ...